Following this link, please find the Prospectus for our 3rd Annual MSPGeekCon in Orlando, Florida, on May 4th-6th, 2025.
This year’s theme is One Team, One Mission—a nod to the multidisciplinary efforts that lead to the success of the scrappy heroes in our favorite space stories. Whether you’re a fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, or even StarTalk, we see time and again that the focused work of a united crew can move entire universes.
For our returning vendors, not much has changed. It’s still the same great event with a focus on education and connection you’ve come to appreciate. We’ve set aside 5 Fanatic, 25 Enthusiast, and 5 Advocate sponsorship slots, along with a full catalog of a la carte options to showcase your product and team while you engage with us during this in-person event. Of note, we’ve added a few things to further your impact:
- Community Ticket Sponsorships: Sponsor packs of 10 tickets so more MSPs can send technicians to this valuable educational and communal event. You will have the ability to give theses passes out before ticket sales open, solidifying your name as a supporter of the MSPGeek Community!
- Community Engagement Tables: Sponsor a table to facilitate discussions on topics MSPs are grappling with today and give your team a space to geek out over their favorite technical topics.
There’s much more in the prospectus, so take a look, fill it out, and send us an email at [email protected] with it attached. Vendor slots are first-come, first-served based on the time we receive your submission in our inbox. To secure your space all you have to do is email your intent to participate and which level – a signed prospectus will be expected within 14 days of your email. In the event of concurrent submissions, priority will be given according to the earliest timestamp (based on in your intent email).
These sponsorships will fly faster than the speed of light, and as much as we’d love to have seats for all your teams, we can’t guarantee availability. Time is of the essence!
With your help, we look forward to taking MSPGeekCon 2025 to where no one has gone before.